The diversity charta is Germany’s largest initiative for the promotion of diversity in enterprises and institutions. The organisation was founded jointly by enterprises and policy-makers in 2006 and has set itself the task of ensuring a work environment which is free of prejudice, in which age, nationality, gender, philosophy of life, physical and mental abilities, religion, sexual orientation and social origin are all acknowledged and respected. Together with just under 5,000 other companies, eurodata backs this initiative and has now reaffirmed that, not least by signing the ‘diversity charta’. The initiative, which meanwhile represents 15 million employees, is supported by the federal commissioner for migration, refugees and integration and the federal commissioner for anti-racism. The organisation is under the patronage of federal chancellor Olaf Scholz.
By signing the charta, eurodata is not only undertaking to maintain an organisational culture based on esteem and respect, but also to acknowledge diversity both inside and outside the company. Above and beyond that, eurodata also aims to communicate positively on the subject of diversity and promote it, examine existing personnel processes, and make sure they do justice to the abilities and talents of its employees.